Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So, as usual I take Gage (who's two years old) with me when I go to the bathroom. I do this mainly so he doesn't sit on his brothers or try to put a fork in the toaster while I'm gone. Our conversation:

Me - Mama's going potty.

Gage - Wanna come.

Me - Ok.

Gage - Mama sitting on the potty. Mama going pee in the potty.

Me - Yes, Mama's sitting on the potty, going pee in the potty like a big girl.

Gage - Where's Mama's penis?

Me - Ummmmmm

I managed to get by just telling him that I'm a girl and girls don't have penises. He's two, how does he figure these things out?

1 comment:

Birdeen and Carl said...

oh my... that question already? yikes! *LOL*