Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nate and the Fish

There's no picture to go with this, but I will have a picture of THE FISH soon.

We have a little squishy fishy... the twins think it's a great toy and spend quite a bit of time fighting over who's going to chew on it. Today, Nate had it and Jude crawled on over and grabbed it out of his hands. Nate cried like someone had smacked him, but I sat back and let them figure it out. I can't always be coming to the rescue. Nate got the fish out of Jude's slobbery little mouth and them proceeded to hit him in the face with it until Jude cried. Nate laughed to himself and then chewed on the fish. It really is about time that Nate won, he's usually on the losing end. He's making up for it though. Sometimes he'll be sitting beside Jude and just reach over and push him. Maybe this should have been titled "Evil Nate".

Oh, and Nate is crawling now. He likes to chase his "The Hulk" ball around the living room. He has one tooth. Jude has two teeth and his favourite hobby is annoying Gage. Where ever Gage is, Jude is there too. His second favourite hobby is eating rocks in the entrance behind the stroller. His third favourite hobby is getting stuck under the stroller on his way to go eat rocks.

I have too many kids.

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