Thursday, August 31, 2006

Clothes, clothes and more clothes

Well, this is my day today. Gage is at Christie's, so I'm going through clothes that the boys have outgrown. New pictures of the boys as well. Jude has black hair now, it's finally growing in. No new pictures of Gage, he was with Grandpa and Grandma Paul all last week.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Little Men

This picture was taken July 28, but I just got the chance to look at it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Finally!! Yesterday I couldn't post a picture for the life of me, so here are the dress up pictures and some more smiling pictures that I wanted to post, but couldn't.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Gage is camping in Lac La Biche with Grandma and Grandpa this week, so we are pretty quiet. At least I have the boys to keep me busy. James and I have been having a lot of fun playing with Nate and Jude, they smile and laugh a lot. Last night we played "One-Eyed Jude Stuck Behind a Moose" and "Nately With a Frog On Top". Silly games are so much fun. They are not willing participants in dress up though.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chew Toys

The twins have discovered how to hold onto things and put them in their mouths. Wait until Gage finds out about this!

Plus, Gage eating yogurt. We always take off his shirt. Pretty soon he'll be eating it in his diaper.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Gage Demonstrates...

The proper way to use a football.

No sound, archaic camera.

Hee hee. I'm such a Mom, I found this absolutely hilarious.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Gage had a play date with his girlfriend Sofia today. She was very helpful and decided that he needed to wear his shoes. Surprisingly enough, he agreed and was willing to let her put his shoes on!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

That was fun....

NOT! So, Nate had his very first ambulance ride this morning at 4am. Little guy was choking and no matter what we did, we couldn't clear his little nose out. It was all mucus, poor little thing was scared, we were scared, so we called 911. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was clear and sleeping, but we still went to the Stollery and had him looked at. Turns out it was nothing, but they did tell me how to clear him out if it ever happens again. He also had his first ride on the LRT, we took it from Health Sciences (right outside of the U of A Hospital, very convenient!) to Belvedere, where James, Gage and Jude picked us up. He slept the whole time. He's doing really well today, smiling and laughing his butt off at his toy bar. Good news is that he has gained another pound, so he's 12 pounds 6 oz now. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Happy New Stroller Day!

Ahhhh, it is finally here. The new stroller I had to buy on ebay because I can't find one here. This makes my life sooooo much easier. We are mobile! Well, we were mobile before, but this is mobile with less crabbing!

The boys "enjoying" the stroller. Jude is sleeping (what else is new?), but at least Nate wasn't screaming. I think he liked the fact that he wasn't laying flat on his back.