Monday, April 23, 2007

What a weekend!

We have had a pretty busy weekend, but no pictures to show for it. Saturday morning we loaded up the boys and took them to Grandma and Poppy's farm. Grandma G came to visit (Gage calls her Auntie G, it's so cute), and they stayed the night. We came back to the city and went to a wedding reception for our friends Lee & Kelly. Then we went home and slept, though we both said the house was far too quiet. We went back to get them early the next morning so that Grandma and Poppy could go to an auction. The boys were very well behaved and had a great time. Grandma and Poppy had a great time too, as did Grandma G.

My dad figured out that Jude plays peek a boo now with his hands. If we say "Peek a boo Jude" he will cover his ears with his hands and smile. Then he claps his hands, he thinks it's a great game. Nate started today, when we say "Peek a boo Nate" he balls up his fists and covers his mouth. Gage covers his eyes with his hands, it's like they are See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Say No Evil.

Yesterday afternoon I turned the boys' car seats around so everyone is forward facing in the van. We went for a drive to test out the new situation and Nate and Jude stared out the windows and oohed and aahed over everything. It certainly makes it easier to see who's sleeping and who's grumpy because they've lost their toys. And we have so much more room now, James doesn't have to kiss the dash anymore.

Jude's top two teeth are almost through now. He dug at them a bit on Friday at the day home, and now they don't seem to bug him as much. I'll be happy when they are all the way through, they have been bugging him for over a month now.

Gage watched the weather with Poppy on the weekend, and Poppy has taught him to say meteorologist. He knows that that's a weather word. Who knows? Maybe he'll be one someday. Or he could be a ditch digger, it doesn't matter.

I really should have the boys weighed and measured soon. I haven't had it done for a while, I haven't been worried about them much. They both lost some weight when we were all sick in March, Jude lost about a half pound, Nate only lost a few ounces. I'm guessing that they are close to 22 pounds each now. It's a far cry from Gage, who was 25 pounds at one year old, but he was chubbier than the boys are.

I still can't believe that they are almost a year old. In the last two weeks they have turned into such people, they do things deliberately, they eat table food (with a bowl of cereal to start, but then they eat whatever we are having), they drink from training cups (like a sippy cup without the valve) and they get mad when you tell them no. They even sleep through the night now. I thought I would be sad that they are growing up, but it's so neat to watch them do new things that I'm not sad at all. I just enjoy watching them discover new things and look forward to each new step they make.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Almost a year, wow. Can you beleive it? I am at ten months and am throughly shocked by that.

Would you be interested in the Multiple Mom Movie Madness thing I have going on?