Thursday, April 12, 2007

I really should...

...well, there are a lot of things I really should do, but the most important one is get a clip for my camera and attach it to me. Then I could have gotten a picture of Gage helping bathe Nate and Jude last night. In order to get him to settle down and wait his turn for a bath I asked him to help get cloths for the boys. He got one for Nate, threw it in the tub (at Nate, of course) and said "There you go, Mama. I helped!". Then he got another one and did the same thing. I told him that was enough, and we gave Nate a bath and washed his hair. As I was getting Nate in his pyjamas and James was undressing Jude for his bath, Gage was busy helping in the bathroom. All we heard was "There you go Mama. I helped!" and some splashing. Fearing that all of our reading material was now in the tub, we went racing in there to find ALL of the wash cloths I keep in the bathroom in a heap in the tub (which was still filled with water). He was standing there so proud of himself, I couldn't get mad at him at all. Maybe what I really need to do is attach Gage to me.

No new pictures, I'll have to take some this weekend. Nate is clapping his hands really well now. Every time we say Hooray, he claps his hands and smiles at us. Jude just started clapping his hands tonight while I was putting him to bed. He's been waving at us for about a week or so. They are feeling much better than they did earlier this week, all three had runny noses and coughs. Jude was the worst, but his top two front teeth are breaking through (any day now, as I keep telling him), and that makes a runny nose so much worse.

As for me, I had my follow up with my surgeon today, and all is well. I'm healing nicely and my goiter (ewwwwwww) was multi-nodular, meaning a whole bunch of little lumps made up the really big one. It was benign, like we were told before, but the fact that it was multi-nodular means that there's a pretty good chance of getting one on the other side of my thyroid. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, right now I don't need medication and that makes me happy.

James is still super busy at work and looking forward to the weekend when he doesn't have to fight traffic. Finally, I can commiserate.

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