Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend at LLB with James' family. The boys were extra, extra good and slept really well, even though Nate and Jude had runny noses and Jude's teeth are still coming in. They had all sorts of fun with Uncle Dale, Auntie Barbara, Auntie Amber, Grandma, Grandpa and the dogs, Wiggles and Stash. And presents galore from all of the "Easter Bunnies".

They've been stocking up on toys, so we don't have to bring any when we come now. Jude and Nate liked the riding toys and Gage was into James' blocks from when he was small.

We brought our traveling booster chairs for the boys to use. They did really well, though the white one doesn't have a strap, so they slid out of the bottom a bit.

We had dinner Friday night, and Gage helped Grandpa with the ham. He was so excited to be helping with supper.

Gage was very adamant that he didn't need a nap on Saturday. He kept telling James "No nap. No nap for Gage." But, after five minutes in the bed, this is what we found. He was pooped!

We even had a good drive home this afternoon. The boys stayed awake for the end of it, and everyone just chatted and played. James and I didn't have to calm a crying baby, it was so nice!

1 comment:

Birdeen and Carl said...

and a wonderful time was had by all......