Thursday, April 05, 2007

Chili Night

We were so excited to feed Nate and Jude chili as finger food for the first time the other night, and we were not disappointed by the results! Gage used to have so much fun eating chili when he was just small and James and I had fun watching him. It's well worth the mess!

They started out really clean...

Both Nate and Jude had to test the beans first.

Once they got into it, they just went nuts!

Chili faces.

Gage enjoyed supper as well.

After supper they played for a bit with Auntie Amber and Dad while I got the tire on the van fixed (nail, go figure!). But, they still needed a bath before bed, chili seems to get everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the way you strip your kids down to feed them! Very smart. Max is very insistent on feeding himself with the fork or spoon lately. I'm glad we have dogs to clean up the mess he leaves on the floor!