Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ok, normally I wouldn't post anybody else's stuff on my blog (it being my blog and all), but this has been posted on other multiple blogs and I wanted to share it. James and I can really relate to this video, albeit on a much, much smaller scale. You can laugh at the people who ask the dumb questions and be amazed by the people who stare and comment, but the one overwhelming feeling that I got was pure fear. James and I get stopped by all sorts of people when we go out with the boys and everybody wants to touch the babies. Some people stand right in front of the stroller to stop you. Most people are just being curious, and many, many people just want to comment, or share a story about twins that they have/know. Most of the time, we don't mind the attention, but if I hear the comment "Wow, you have your hands full" one more time, I'm gonna lose it. James wants to make shirts that say "Buck a gander!" so we could a little cash on the side from all of the people that stare at us.

This all being said, we have encountered a great number of people who go out of their way to make room for us, or hold open a door, or even try to make room in an elevator. (That's a big one, I drive a double wide stroller.) When we were mall walking, there was always a nice senior citizen who would talk to Gage while I got the twins in their snowsuits. To everyone who has made room for us, let us go by, opened a door, or in some way made me not feel like such a side show, THANK YOU.

I'm guilty of it too. When I see twins (especially newborns), I always nudge James and say "Look! They have twins, too!" And I'm a sucker for a baby. But I never, ever touch them. We don't need to share any germs.

Sorry for the rant, it was long overdue.

1 comment:

Twinmommy2boys said...

Thanks for stopping by. I will be adding you to my daily reads, I love reading blogs about other twins. That said I totally know how the people feel in the video. I haven't taken them out much due to RSV, but the other day I decided to go to the mall during the day when it was not that busy. I got lots of looks from little old ladies and even over heard a converstaion saying no they are not twins they don't look alike. And many questions Oh are they twins followed by they don't look anythign alike, uh yeah they are faternal.