Jude has made some major changes since May. Everyone who knows him says he's a completely different person. He still has his bad days, but now they are about the same as every other two year old. He no longer melts down for no reason and he has gained a lot of weight. He no longer has six pack abs, you can no longer count his ribs and he has gotten taller as well. And all we did was take away all of his dairy except the occaisional piece of cheese. And we can tell right away if he's had too much of that. His attitude changes and he smells horrible! All in all, we are feeling much better about our little man's health.
Jude, in a self-imposed time out. What he does when he's feeling really grumpy.

Wearing Dad's shoes and Gage's backpack, going to school.
Nate is growing very well, and really talking now. He's such a small boy compared to Gage and Jude, but his personality makes up for it! People ask why there are always so many pictures of Nate. It's because he's loves the camera, and it loves him.
Talking to Aunty on her old cell phone she gave them to play with.
Gage is potty trained! He hardly ever has an accident, and has only wet the bed once, when he had too much to drink the night before and didn't get to the bathroom in time when he got up. He really likes Nate and Jude now, and tries to help them and show them things. He's such a good big brother.

Gage: Get under the covers and stay there. Don't wake up unless Elmo falls out of bed.

Sort of.
The clouds Mom and I watched roll away one night at the farm.
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