One word: MUD!

As you can see, Jude enjoys mud the most. He has absolutely no problem getting disgustingly dirty. Just before I took these pictures, he was making mud angels. Nate and Gage were shoveling what was left of the snow. Gage does his best not to get too dirty, and Nate actually fell into the mud. Nate doesn't mind getting too dirty if it's his idea. He just doesn't like falling all that much.
They'd spend all day outside playing in the dirt and the mud if I let them.

As you can see, Jude enjoys mud the most. He has absolutely no problem getting disgustingly dirty. Just before I took these pictures, he was making mud angels. Nate and Gage were shoveling what was left of the snow. Gage does his best not to get too dirty, and Nate actually fell into the mud. Nate doesn't mind getting too dirty if it's his idea. He just doesn't like falling all that much.
They'd spend all day outside playing in the dirt and the mud if I let them.
1 comment:
oh my! You are a brave women. I like to let my kids experience lots of things, but this mud probably would not have been one of them for the simple fact that I wouldn't have wanted to clean it up.
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