In the order in which they appeared...
Nate (who is an insane camera hog!)

Jude (who has a really bad jealous streak when it comes to me!)

Gage showing off the bubble blowers that Christie bought the boys. These are so cool! You hold them like a cup and push the button on the handle and they blow bubbles out of their mouths. I can't wait to use them. You know, for the boys.

Their birthday fruit flan. Which will be the first of a few birthday cakes, I'm guessing.

Jude loved this, Nate thought it was ok, and Gage wouldn't touch it. He won't eat anything with icing.

The twin aunts with their twin nephews. You just have to have pictures like this!

Oh, Happy 1st Birthday to your cuties! I can't believe mine will be one in two months. :)
Mine will be two next month. Where did the time go?? Happy birthday.
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