Saturday, May 31, 2008

Two Fabulous People

Normally this is all about the kids, but I had to acknowledge two fabulous people in my life right now. And what better way than with a fabulous photo?

My fabulous husband with my fabulous friend! (A friend who kicks my ass every week and makes me run.)
Thanks for being there for me and thanks for being friends.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Nate & Jude

I cannot believe that Nate and Jude are two now. Nate has become bossy, likes to say no and gets very frustrated if we don't understand what he is saying. He enjoys kicking and throwing balls, playing with Gage and cars, especially Monster Trucks. Jude says less than Nate, but is very clear when he speaks. He enjoys singing, playing (bashing) the piano or playing the drum and coloring. He really enjoys being outside and is happiest when he's in the dirt or the mud. Both of them like to wrestle with Dad and Gage and cuddle with Mama.

We had a big birthday BBQ, partly for them and partly to celebrate our back yard. We had almost 30 people here and you could hardly tell. There was lots of space and the kids had a great time playing football, soccer and running around.

A big thank you to Aaron for taking pictures. I had my camera out and managed to take three. He took 100. So I have lots of pictures to share.

Jude refused to sit on a chair. He was much more comfortable on top of the toy box. Which provided the perfect photo op for everyone.

I made the boys their cake. Dinosaurs and crayons, Cool Whip icing. They loved it.

The boys were interested in opening gifts for at least two minutes this year. I think once they got to the motorcycles, they just wanted to play with those!

Gage giving Nate his Lightning McQueen back before I noticed that he was crying. Good idea.

He kept the book though.

Uncle Dale brought his collapsible kennel for his dog Zoe. It was the perfect size for the boys to play in. Nate enjoyed pretending he was a puppy.

The day before the BBQ was their actual birthday so we decided to have a little cake for just the five of us. Right before bed. We will NEVER do that again! Nobody slept well because of all the sugar. It was fun and messy though.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There's a good chance that I've gone insane...

I've volunteered for not one, but two positions with my local Twin and Triplet Club. They commence in the fall. I'm doing PR (because it's a nice introductory role) and Hostess (because we need coffee at the monthly meetings and I figured, hey, it's pretty obvious that I'm good at food!) There are at least two other positions that caught my eye, but I will leave those for next year, as they will take a lot more time than I have right now. I'm trying to keep the control freak in me at bay right now.

The twins are turning two on Saturday. We're having a barbecue for Nate and Jude's birthday on Sunday, which is also our fifth wedding anniversary. I swear it wasn't that long ago that I was meeting James for the first time, and now look at us! 8 years, 5 of them married, 2 apartments, 1 condo, 1 house, 5 vehicles and 3 boys. I guess we've been busy.

So if I appear to have lost my mind, I probably have. I'm just warning you.