I have to say sorry for taking so long to post! We are super busy here. We are in the process of preparing to sell our townhouse so that we can buy a house. We are looking for a detached house with a back yard the boys can play in. So for the last two weeks we have been painting, packing, cleaning and staging. Hopefully I will have pictures of the changes in the next couple of days.
I'm also changing jobs, beginning next Monday. After eight years I've made a very hard decision to go to another company. I need the change I think.
I've been remiss about taking pictures of the boys during all of the commotion, so I snuck upstairs tonight and took pictures while they were sleeping.
Gage had his first "graduation" from his first year of preschool. He's now two and a half, and can carry on a conversation, so long as it's about something he's interested in. He never stops moving and has to run everywhere. He's really into knock knock jokes and Thomas the Train.

Nate started walking yesterday for our friend Elizabeth. He likes to repeat words and can ask for a cracker now. He points at things and waits for us to name them for him and then does his best to repeat the name. He loves Grover, his stuffed dog, Woof, trucks and especially balls.

Jude is walking all over the place now, and even trying to run. He can say a lot of words now, and really likes puppies and kitties. He's big into getting and giving kisses, and really likes to make people laugh. He likes anything that he can push across the floor, books and music. The other day he was trying to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star along with the Sesame Street CD that was in the van.

So if I'm a little slow with the posting in the next little bit, please forgive me. I'll keep everyone updated on the real estate situation.