Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Didn't I want this?
I was just sitting here thinking about all of the things that I'm going to do with the boys at the day home tomorrow and it hit me: they are going to be at the day home tomorrow. Not here. So I've had my cry and I will probably have another one tomorrow morning after I drop them off... I've been looking forward to having time to myself so much that I've kind of overlooked the whole by myself part of it. I'll just keep busy, and the day should fly by. Think of how clean my house will be.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
So, as usual I take Gage (who's two years old) with me when I go to the bathroom. I do this mainly so he doesn't sit on his brothers or try to put a fork in the toaster while I'm gone. Our conversation:
Me - Mama's going potty.
Gage - Wanna come.
Me - Ok.
Gage - Mama sitting on the potty. Mama going pee in the potty.
Me - Yes, Mama's sitting on the potty, going pee in the potty like a big girl.
Gage - Where's Mama's penis?
Me - Ummmmmm
I managed to get by just telling him that I'm a girl and girls don't have penises. He's two, how does he figure these things out?
Me - Mama's going potty.
Gage - Wanna come.
Me - Ok.
Gage - Mama sitting on the potty. Mama going pee in the potty.
Me - Yes, Mama's sitting on the potty, going pee in the potty like a big girl.
Gage - Where's Mama's penis?
Me - Ummmmmm
I managed to get by just telling him that I'm a girl and girls don't have penises. He's two, how does he figure these things out?
I am a duck. Quack, quack.
This was Gage's answer when I asked him if he was a duck yesterday. He was quacking and running around so I asked him, "Are you a duck?" I never thought he would have such a clear answer. James and I just howled. It was just what we needed.
We have had a busy week or so. Saturday we went to a Twin and Triplet Club function at the leisure centre near our house. It was at the indoor playground and the boys had a blast. Gage went down the slide with some other boys about his age and then he and James played basketball with the identical triplet girls that were there. Nate and Jude crawled through some tunnels and chased a few balls and played with trucks. We had a really good time and are looking forward to the next function I've signed us up for in April.
Our roof has been leaking for oh, let's see now, about 3 or 4 months and James finally convinced the condo board president that we aren't just making it up. Someone was supposed to be here today to clear the roof and get a look at it, but surprise, surprise, there's no one here. GRRRRRRRRR. I'm not allowed to talk to the guy any more, James is afraid that I'll hit him. He's probably right.
The boys are all starting at the day home on Thursday. I can't believe that it's come so quickly. My surgery is on Tuesday and I have so much to do before then. I have to clean my house and get the laundry done and go through the mountains of clothes that are in the boys' rooms. I used to live in the basement of a couple that had boy/girl twins. When they were selling their house she cleaned out the closets and brought the laundry down to the basement to wash and go through. I helped her out by doing some of it when I got home. I remember thinking, "How could she possibly just leave all of these clothes for so long? Why didn't she just go through them and get rid of them?" Well, now I know. When the kids sleep, you want to as well. If you don't want to sleep, there are lots of other pressing things to get to first. So, to Lorie I apologize, I get it now.
We have had a busy week or so. Saturday we went to a Twin and Triplet Club function at the leisure centre near our house. It was at the indoor playground and the boys had a blast. Gage went down the slide with some other boys about his age and then he and James played basketball with the identical triplet girls that were there. Nate and Jude crawled through some tunnels and chased a few balls and played with trucks. We had a really good time and are looking forward to the next function I've signed us up for in April.
Our roof has been leaking for oh, let's see now, about 3 or 4 months and James finally convinced the condo board president that we aren't just making it up. Someone was supposed to be here today to clear the roof and get a look at it, but surprise, surprise, there's no one here. GRRRRRRRRR. I'm not allowed to talk to the guy any more, James is afraid that I'll hit him. He's probably right.
The boys are all starting at the day home on Thursday. I can't believe that it's come so quickly. My surgery is on Tuesday and I have so much to do before then. I have to clean my house and get the laundry done and go through the mountains of clothes that are in the boys' rooms. I used to live in the basement of a couple that had boy/girl twins. When they were selling their house she cleaned out the closets and brought the laundry down to the basement to wash and go through. I helped her out by doing some of it when I got home. I remember thinking, "How could she possibly just leave all of these clothes for so long? Why didn't she just go through them and get rid of them?" Well, now I know. When the kids sleep, you want to as well. If you don't want to sleep, there are lots of other pressing things to get to first. So, to Lorie I apologize, I get it now.
I was going through some photos on my computer the other day and came across these. Not a lot of people got to see me pregnant (especially people who don't live in the city) because I just didn't travel. I turned a lot of heads whenever I did go somewhere, and for the last bit, I wouldn't leave the house without James. I was just too self concious and really afraid I'd fall down and not be able to get up. Despite the extra weight, I was still able to carry Gage around and get him into his crib and the tub, but for the last bit he had to get up on a chair first. Keep in mind that my babies were HUGE (7 lbs 1 oz and 7 lbs 11 oz).
At 29 weeks, I was bigger than I was when I had Gage (who was the same weight as Jude, 7 lbs 11 oz.)

At 34.5 weeks

At 36 weeks.

At 38.5 weeks, 24 hours before the boys were born. The picture is a little fuzzy, I think Tammy was laughing when she took it, but you get the idea.

James convinced me to go shopping for some shorts and t-shirts at 34 weeks, because nothing I had fit me. I remember an older lady at the maternity shop (she was shopping with her daughter) telling me there was NO WAY I would go to term with the twins, it just didn't happen. Boy, would I like to run into her now.
At 29 weeks, I was bigger than I was when I had Gage (who was the same weight as Jude, 7 lbs 11 oz.)

At 34.5 weeks

At 36 weeks.

At 38.5 weeks, 24 hours before the boys were born. The picture is a little fuzzy, I think Tammy was laughing when she took it, but you get the idea.

James convinced me to go shopping for some shorts and t-shirts at 34 weeks, because nothing I had fit me. I remember an older lady at the maternity shop (she was shopping with her daughter) telling me there was NO WAY I would go to term with the twins, it just didn't happen. Boy, would I like to run into her now.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Laundry Day
Friday, February 16, 2007
Hi Feet!
Gage is having baths again... hooray! I never thought I'd see the day when he cried to have a bath and didn't want to get out of the tub. Last night he was in the tub, standing (sitting is still optional) and lifted one foot out of the water. He looked right down at it and said "Hi feet. You wanna have a bath? Huh? OK!" He sings the rubber duckie song and can wash himself pretty good. Oh it's so nice to enjoy bath time again.
Nate and Jude are really enjoying the bath, too. Nate is a wash cloth chewer and Jude splashes with his hands and then giggles.
This afternoon we had grilled cheese sandwiches (Gage's favourite) for lunch. He usually will comment "It's yummy" while trying to choke back whatever I've attempted to cook for him, but today I got "This is delicious!". It's so nice when he means it.
Oh, and Gage asked me to stop singing for the first time today. We were singing another verse to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he couldn't get the words right to sing with me. He looked at me and said "Mommy stop". So I stopped and he collected himself and we carried on. Well, he carried on. I was laughing too hard to sing.
Nate and Jude are really enjoying the bath, too. Nate is a wash cloth chewer and Jude splashes with his hands and then giggles.
This afternoon we had grilled cheese sandwiches (Gage's favourite) for lunch. He usually will comment "It's yummy" while trying to choke back whatever I've attempted to cook for him, but today I got "This is delicious!". It's so nice when he means it.
Oh, and Gage asked me to stop singing for the first time today. We were singing another verse to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he couldn't get the words right to sing with me. He looked at me and said "Mommy stop". So I stopped and he collected himself and we carried on. Well, he carried on. I was laughing too hard to sing.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Silly Games
Nate learned to play peek a boo with his blanket. Jude started yesterday as well. Nate always looks very proud of himself when someone notices.
Jude gets even
Today Jude was out for revenge. He kept taking Nate's toys and Nate would cry. I stayed out of it, Nate has got to learn that crying doesn't always get him what he wants. But the absolute best was when they had gotten up from their naps and Gage was still asleep. Nate was sitting on the floor chewing on something and Jude was laying behind him chewing on a caterpillar drumstick for Gage's drum. Jude looked over at Nate and just started tapping him on the head with the drumstick. He would tap, Nate would cry big, fat tears and stick his lip way out and Jude would giggle. I just laughed and laughed. It was too funny to watch. Me laughing made Nate really mad though.
Having twins is too much fun!
Having twins is too much fun!
Gage's Potato Heads
Gage was playing with his potato heads the other day. He really is a lot of fun.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Jude Crawls!
I have sound on this camera, and this is the very first video I took with it.
I love this thing!
I love this thing!
Nate and the Fish
There's no picture to go with this, but I will have a picture of THE FISH soon.
We have a little squishy fishy... the twins think it's a great toy and spend quite a bit of time fighting over who's going to chew on it. Today, Nate had it and Jude crawled on over and grabbed it out of his hands. Nate cried like someone had smacked him, but I sat back and let them figure it out. I can't always be coming to the rescue. Nate got the fish out of Jude's slobbery little mouth and them proceeded to hit him in the face with it until Jude cried. Nate laughed to himself and then chewed on the fish. It really is about time that Nate won, he's usually on the losing end. He's making up for it though. Sometimes he'll be sitting beside Jude and just reach over and push him. Maybe this should have been titled "Evil Nate".
Oh, and Nate is crawling now. He likes to chase his "The Hulk" ball around the living room. He has one tooth. Jude has two teeth and his favourite hobby is annoying Gage. Where ever Gage is, Jude is there too. His second favourite hobby is eating rocks in the entrance behind the stroller. His third favourite hobby is getting stuck under the stroller on his way to go eat rocks.
I have too many kids.
We have a little squishy fishy... the twins think it's a great toy and spend quite a bit of time fighting over who's going to chew on it. Today, Nate had it and Jude crawled on over and grabbed it out of his hands. Nate cried like someone had smacked him, but I sat back and let them figure it out. I can't always be coming to the rescue. Nate got the fish out of Jude's slobbery little mouth and them proceeded to hit him in the face with it until Jude cried. Nate laughed to himself and then chewed on the fish. It really is about time that Nate won, he's usually on the losing end. He's making up for it though. Sometimes he'll be sitting beside Jude and just reach over and push him. Maybe this should have been titled "Evil Nate".
Oh, and Nate is crawling now. He likes to chase his "The Hulk" ball around the living room. He has one tooth. Jude has two teeth and his favourite hobby is annoying Gage. Where ever Gage is, Jude is there too. His second favourite hobby is eating rocks in the entrance behind the stroller. His third favourite hobby is getting stuck under the stroller on his way to go eat rocks.
I have too many kids.
Weekend at the farm
Last weekend, I took the boys to my parents' farm and gave James a well deserved break! Kerry's boys Sean and Connor were there too, Kerry and Aaron needed a break as well. We had so much fun with them, even though Sean got sick Saturday night. Gage did his best to make Sean feel better, covering him up with a blanket and reading him a story. I guess he thought that Sean was so good to him before that he should return the favour.
The boys really enjoyed having lunch together. They all talked and sang songs.

Sean taught Gage and Connor how to play with playdough. Gage kept trying to eat it though, so I had to help him a bit.

This is what we made together. Gage did most of the hair himself. Isn't it lovely?

After lunch on Sunday, Poppy tried to take his nap. He really should know better. With five boys in the house, you can't just take a nap on the living room sofa! They all decided to watch Treehouse, and Poppy was the best seat!

It's a really good thing Kerry and I aren't having any more kids. There's no room on Poppy anymore!
The boys really enjoyed having lunch together. They all talked and sang songs.

Sean taught Gage and Connor how to play with playdough. Gage kept trying to eat it though, so I had to help him a bit.

This is what we made together. Gage did most of the hair himself. Isn't it lovely?

After lunch on Sunday, Poppy tried to take his nap. He really should know better. With five boys in the house, you can't just take a nap on the living room sofa! They all decided to watch Treehouse, and Poppy was the best seat!

It's a really good thing Kerry and I aren't having any more kids. There's no room on Poppy anymore!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Big Helper Guy!
Nate Needs a Nap!
Bath time!
Nate and Jude had a bath in the big tub the other night. Gage helped, and even climbed in. He asked for a bath last night, and the other night didn't want to get out. The only catch is that he wants to sit on a towel. Who cares? At least he's having a bath!
Nate and Jude loved the toys, but we had to get a bath seat, or it's really hard to wash one while the other is in the tub.
Nate and Jude loved the toys, but we had to get a bath seat, or it's really hard to wash one while the other is in the tub.

Jude Lee Lewis
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