Well, so much for last week being the worst week ever! Let's see... Gage started to feel better around Friday and that's when the tantrums started. All day, and all night. James and I took turns lying next to his bed, he screamed and screamed all night long. All day Saturday, everything made him upset. Same on Sunday. By Monday, I thought I was gonna lose it. Nate and Jude couldn't sleep because Gage was screaming at night. Tuesday, James was sick and stayed home (he must have been sick, I would have preferred work to that!), and Gage broke out in a rash. Back to the medicentre we went, where they said his tonsils looked better, but he's allergic to Amoxicillin. Great, that's all we need. Took him off the medication, but the screaming continued and the rash was worse. Called Health Link (again!) on Thursday and off we go, me and all the boys this time, thinking it's the measles. Nope, it's just the reaction he's having, but his tonsillitis is coming back. No wonder he's throwing such bad tantrums. He feels like absolute crap! Drag all of the boys to Safeway to get arithomycin, and a nice taster lady gives Gage juice and a clacker toy. Turns out she's allergic to the meds too. So last night, he slept. Today I was at the metabolic centre FINALLY having my biopsy, and Elizabeth watched the boys. Gage was back to his old self, playing and laughing. We had the best afternoon, giggling and playing, building with blocks. It's so good to have him back. He's still a little cranky, but nothing like he was.
So, no new pictures right now. I should know the results of my biopsy in a couple of weeks. And James is feeling much better, too.