We went to the farm for Christmas this year, and were brave enough to go Christmas Eve and stay overnight. My Grandma stayed the night as well, so we stayed up late chatting and watching "It's a Wonderful Life". It was really nice.
Christmas morning the boys woke up and opened stockings and gifts. Nate and Gage thought that all of the gifts should be for them. They were spoiled with toys, but had a great time!
These are the "Stop taking pictures and make with the gifts!" faces of Christmas morning.

Nate and Gage were totally into opening gifts. Jude was waiting for breakfast. He opened a few gifts, but was happier checking out what everyone else got.

Then we opened this, and he was the happiest kid in the world.

In total he got two guitars, one set of drums, a karaoke machine (to share with his brothers) and a set of bongos. I've never seen him so excited or interested in his whole life.
This is the other guitar.

Santa brought everyone a race track to share. And cars for everyone, including the adults. It is a lot of fun, and the best part is that there are no batteries!

In the afternoon, my sister and her three boys came out. Along with them for the day were her in-laws. I wish I would have taken a picture of my parent's house with all of us around the table. There were nine adults, one teenager and five boys under the age of 7.
Gage and his cousin Connor checking out Connor's new Nintendo DS. I'm Gage didn't know what they were doing, but they were having a blast!

Sean showing his Nintendo DS to his Nate and Jude.

Christmas morning the boys woke up and opened stockings and gifts. Nate and Gage thought that all of the gifts should be for them. They were spoiled with toys, but had a great time!
These are the "Stop taking pictures and make with the gifts!" faces of Christmas morning.

Nate and Gage were totally into opening gifts. Jude was waiting for breakfast. He opened a few gifts, but was happier checking out what everyone else got.

Then we opened this, and he was the happiest kid in the world.

In total he got two guitars, one set of drums, a karaoke machine (to share with his brothers) and a set of bongos. I've never seen him so excited or interested in his whole life.
This is the other guitar.

Santa brought everyone a race track to share. And cars for everyone, including the adults. It is a lot of fun, and the best part is that there are no batteries!

In the afternoon, my sister and her three boys came out. Along with them for the day were her in-laws. I wish I would have taken a picture of my parent's house with all of us around the table. There were nine adults, one teenager and five boys under the age of 7.
Gage and his cousin Connor checking out Connor's new Nintendo DS. I'm Gage didn't know what they were doing, but they were having a blast!

Sean showing his Nintendo DS to his Nate and Jude.